Last Modified: 2010-04-23


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The SCORM Content Aggregation Model represents a pedagogically neutral means for designers and implementers of instruction to aggregate learning resources for the purpose of delivering a desired learning experience. A learning resource is any representation of information that is used in a learning experience. Learning experiences consist of activities that are supported by electronic or non-electronic learning resources.

One activity of the process of creating and delivering learning experiences involves the creation, discovery and gathering together, or aggregation, of simple assets into more complex learning resources and then organizing the resources into a predefined sequence of delivery. The SCORM Content Aggregation Model supports this component and is made up of the following:

  • 内容模型(Content Model):Nomenclature defining the content components of a learning experience.
  • 元数据(Meta-data):A mechanism for describing specific instances of the components of the content model.
  • 内容打包(Content Packaging): Defines how to represent the intended behavior of a learning experience (Content Structure) and how to package learning resources for movement between different environments (Content Packaging).
  • 这一章是内容聚合模型的主要组件和不同元素的定义的概述。

    2.2.1. SCORM内容模型组件

    The SCORM Content Model describes the SCORM components used to build a learning experience from reusable learning resources. The Content Model also defines how these lower-level sharable, reusable learning resources are aggregated to compose higher-level units of instruction. The Content Model components are all considered specializations of learning resources. The SCORM Content Model is made up of the following components: Assets, Sharable Content Objects (SCO) and Content Aggregations. ADL envisions more specializations of learning resources to be introduced in future versions of the SCORM. 素材 - Assets

    Assets是学习内容最基本的形式,它是指那些电子化表现的媒体,文本,图片,声音,网页,评估对象,或者其他可以被投递到web客户端的数据片。一个Asset可以用Asset Meta-data(查看下面有关Asset Meta-data的定义)来描述,以允许从在线库中搜索和发现,从而增加了重用的机会。绑定Assets到Assets Meta-data的机制称为内容打包(Content Package)。内容打包会在2.3节中介绍。图2.1.1.1a给出了Assets的例子。

    图2.1.1.1a Examples of Assets 共享内容对象 - Sharable Content Object (SCO)

    一个共享内容对象(SCO)代表一个或多个asset,包括一个特定的可启动的(launchable)、利用SCORM运行环境(SCORM Run-Time Environment)来与学习管理系统 - Learning Management Systems(LMSs)通信的asset。一个SCO代表了可以被LMS通过SCORM运行环境跟踪的学习资源的最低粒度(granularity)级别。下图2.1.1.2a展示了一个由多个Asset组成的SCO的例子。



    一个SCO可以用SCO Meta-data(查看下面有关SCO Meta-data的定义)来描述,以允许从在线库中搜索和发现,从而增加了重用的机会。绑定SCO到SCO Meta-data的机制称为内容打包(Content Package)。

    图2.1.1.2a SCO