可能所有人都没想到这样的结局,如果说,在移动领域采用webkit是鉴于其霸主地位的无奈之举,那桌面端的全面缴械几乎意味着Opera对于Webkit的认同。一个存在快要20年的浏览器内核所走就走了,简直是难以置信。但确是事实,2013年2月12日,世上最独特的自有内核浏览器——Opera,其官方博客发布了这则消息,标题为:300 million users and move to WebKit,这样一篇意义非凡的文章我还是耐心地看完了,包括文章下面的诸多评论——有人说这是明智的决定,也有人说要告别Opera,其实最无法接受这个事实的,应该还是那些坚持使用Opera的用户,他们担心Opera就此依附于Google,甚至有人觉得,比起选择Webkit,还不如选Gecko。
Bruce Lawson 陈述里,对更换内核给出了下面这样解释:
When we first began, back in 1995, we had to roll our own rendering engine in order to compete against the Netscape and Internet Explorer to drive web standards, and thus the web forward. When we started the spec that is now called “HTML5″, our goal was a specification that would greatly enhance interoperability across the web.
The WebKit project now has the kind of standards support that we could only dream of when our work began. Instead of tying up resources duplicating what’s already implemented in WebKit, we can focus on innovation to make a better browser. Opera innovations such as tabbed browsing, Speed Dial and data-saving compression that speeds up page-load, have been widely copied and improved the web for all.
随后,我看到 css3.info 发文称 Bruce Lawson 在其自己的博客里陈述了更多原因:
Opera’s Presto engine was a means to an end; a means for a small, European browser company to challenge the dominance of companies who, at that time, hoped to “win” the web through embracing, extending and extinguishing web standards.
Presto showed that it was possible to make a better browser while supporting standards. Other vendors have followed this path; the world has changed.
These days, web standards aren’t a differentiator between browsers. Excellent standards support is a given in modern browsers. Attempting to compete on standards support is like opening a restaurant and putting a sign in the window saying “All our chefs wash their hands before handling food”.
Rendering engines are now highly interoperable – largely due to the progress commonly known as “HTML5″, begun by Opera in 2004, then joined by Mozilla, in order to protect the web from proprietary platforms, keep it open and promote interoperability.
It seems to me that WebKit simply isn’t the same as the competitors against which we fought, and its level of standards support and pace of development match those that Opera aspires to.
Keep coding to the standards, not to individual rendering engines; test across browsers - Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer; use all vendor prefixes and an unprefixed form in your CSS and JavaScript.